Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2022, 10(3), 139-152
DOI: 10.12691/JGG-10-3-3
Original Research

The Birimian Granitoids of the Toumodi-Fetekro Belt in West African Craton (Côte d’Ivoire): Petrogenetic Overview and Link to Mineralization

T. K. Lionel-Dimitri Boya1, , Martial P. K. Adingra1, Allou Gnanzou1, Gbele Ouattara2, Apo Ryana L. Diane1 and Yacouba Coulibaly1

1Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources Laboratory, Training and Research Unit in Earth Sciences and Mineral Ressources, Félix HOUPHOUËT-BOIGNY University, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

2Department of Earth Sciences and Mineral Resources, School of Mines and Geology, National Polytechnic Institute HOUPHOUËT- BOIGNY, INP Sud BP 1093 Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire

Pub. Date: October 10, 2022

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T. K. Lionel-Dimitri Boya, Martial P. K. Adingra, Allou Gnanzou, Gbele Ouattara, Apo Ryana L. Diane and Yacouba Coulibaly. The Birimian Granitoids of the Toumodi-Fetekro Belt in West African Craton (Côte d’Ivoire): Petrogenetic Overview and Link to Mineralization. Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2022; 10(3):139-152. doi: 10.12691/JGG-10-3-3


The Toumodi-Fètêkro belt in Côte d'Ivoire is a one of its greenstone belts which has given rise to several mines in operation, with research or development work still in progress. This study based on a compilation of existing data acquired in different sectors, aims to contribute to the improvement of knowledge on the granitoids of this area. The geochemical data have therefore been reprocessed with a view to a global interpretation of the entire belt. Terranes are formed by granodiorites, granites, granophyres and tonalites with granodiorite and granophyres like host rocks. The peraluminous and metaluminous nature of magma shows that the granitoids come from mantle and crustal sources, with type I and S granites. The main anomalies noted indicate for these granitoids a character typical of volcanic arc magmas, an enrichment in K, or even a continental source. The deposits known in the Toumodi-Fètêkro belt are linked to several hydrothermal alterations. The control of the mineralization is litho-stuctural, with hydrothermalism being of major importance.


petrogenetic synthesis, birimian granitoids, mineralization, Toumodi-Fetekro, Côte d’Ivoire


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